Guacamole Add User

Adding a user

Create a user

Then create the user; remember setting to his password to “chessman123”

sudo adduser binsun

Modifying guacamole’s user login data

Edit the user mapping, unless you’re using a database to store user logins.

sudo vi /etc/guacamole/user-mapping.xml

Create the entry like below, one for vnc and one for ssh.

<!-- User for binsun -->
<authorize username="binsun" password="chessman123">
    <!-- First authorized connection -->
    <connection name="vnc">
        <param name="hostname">localhost</param>
        <param name="port">5904</param>     <!-- Edit this -->
        <param name="password">qwe123</param> <!-- Password for vncserver -->
        <param name="encodings">zrle ultra copyrect hextile zlib corre rre raw</param>
    <!-- Second authorized connection -->
    <connection name="ssh">
        <param name="hostname">localhost</param>
        <param name="port">22</param>
        <param name="username">binsun</param> <!-- Edit this -->
        <param name="password">chessman123</param> <!-- Edit this -->

SSH Service

I assume the SSH service is already running on port 22, so that should already work.

Relaunching service

We just need to start the VNC service listening in on port 5903.

sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat7 restart

Restart hosting service so it loads the updated user-mapping.xml.


If logging in fails, check the log for login attempts.

tail -f /var/log/tomcat7/catalina.out

Setting up VNC

In the newly created user’s home directory, create a file called xstartup. This file is a script that gets run when the vncserver starts. Guacamole starts the vncservice.

First we switch to that user.

su binsun

Then create the startup script

mkdir ~/.vnc
chmod 700 ~/.vnc
cd ~/.vnc
vi xstartup

Put these in.

xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
#x-terminal-emulator -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
#x-window-manager &
# Fix to make GNOME work

And make this excutable.

chmod +x xstartup

While we’re still logged in as the user, start the vncserver

vncserver :4

This creates the service listening on 5904 port. You should be able to see it.

nmap -Pn localhost

Starting Nmap 6.40 ( ) at 2015-10-19 21:40 EDT
Nmap scan report for localhost (
Host is up (0.00055s latency).
Not shown: 988 closed ports
22/tcp   open  ssh
25/tcp   open  smtp
631/tcp  open  ipp
3306/tcp open  mysql
5902/tcp open  vnc-2
5903/tcp open  vnc-3
5904/tcp open  unknown <------- this is it
6002/tcp open  X11:2
6003/tcp open  X11:3
6004/tcp open  X11:4
6005/tcp open  X11:5
8080/tcp open  http-proxy

If you can’t get vnc started, look at this log.

tail -f /var/log/syslog

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