I was playing around with the lidar dataset from UCSD and visualizing it on Entwine.

Wanted to share some beautiful cool pictures. Lidar is very interesting. Here are the links to play this yourself.
Looking at the data format, it the bounding boxes for the octo-tree here are:
-13632855.894, 4553466.772, 1.042
-13635492.356, 4553196.558, 1.418
-13634390.511, 4555612.511, 72.595
-13633919.870, 4551994.285, 81.365
Ones in bold are the min/max vals, thus forming our X, Y bounds.
# type: readers.ept
bounds: ([-13635492.356,-13632855.894], [4555612.511, 4551994.285])
filename: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usgs-lidar-public/ARRA-CA_GoldenGate_2010/ept.json
resolution: 0.5
# up to 0.5m resolutions
Actually this didn’t return any data. So I’m doing another selection with larger area.

The pipeline
"pipeline": [
"bounds": "([-13637879,-13630062], [4549481,4557084])",
"filename": "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usgs-lidar-public/ARRA-CA_GoldenGate_2010/ept.json",
"type": "readers.ept"
"filename": "golden-gate.laz",
"type": "writers.las"
474M May 4 23:50 golden-gate.laz
I put together and loaded this data, visualized with potree:

That’s it folks!