I’m reading up on amateur radio licenses. I’ve always been curious about it, I’m planning to get a radio set – and talk to other people. Similar to the way it was done in the movie Contact. I’m fascinated by space, and radio is one of the things the space shuttle predominantly uses to communicate with earth. Also the thought of being able contact with aliens is nice – however unfeasible.
I’d like to get a scuba diving certificate, and eventually a set of scuba diving gear. What really motivates me is the deep blue seas, and environment underwater. It is as if one is exploring a different, entirely new world. Last summer when I was in Florida Keys, I saw beautiful coastlines filled with rich coral reefs and marine life.
Some time in the future, I’d like to get a pilot’s license. Flying is very interesting – I remember the first times that I flew (China to Canada in ’99, and back to China in ’04), it was so intriguing! It would be another 9 years before I had a chance to fly again (to PennApps in ’13). Thank you very much University of Pennsylvania!
And I’ll get a boat license too, and eventually acquire a boat, and then sail the world. Live life!
Basically, amateur radio by end of year; scuba by next summer. Nice pair of night vision goggles would be great – have always wanted one
since childhood. And a composite bow, like the Rambo one.
We (as in working people) get so caught up in living day-to-day sometimes, so much that we’ve lost our curiosity. This is extremely worrying! I think curiosity is the source of our modern accomplishments. Instead of believing in the past and believing in whatever took precedence, we choose to ask “why?”. When you lose curiosity, people do things mindlessly – and their mind is dying for a break!
Curiosity a very really powerful concept, it being the source for other things like motivation and goals. Of a lesser degree is passion; nowadays, everyone puts passion here and there – i.e. “I’m a passionate coder”… to the point that the word has lost meaning to me! Whenever I see the word “passion”, I think “okay, I’m kind of curious about this but not really”.