If someone provides me with a payment address, how can I derive the staking address from the payment address?
Cardano uses bech32. Install bech32 instead and decode/encode the address.
Download the bech32 tool as part of cardano-wallet from github
wget https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-wallet/releases/download/v2022-12-14/cardano-wallet-v2022-12-14-linux64.tar.gz
# or if on mac
tar -xf cardano-wallet-v2022-12-14-linux64.tar.gz
rm cardano-wallet-v2022-12-14-linux64.tar.gz
cd cardano-wallet-v2022-12-14-linux64
Let’s say you have address
$ set addr addr1q9f2prypgqkrmr5497d8ujl4s4qu9hx0w6kruspdkjyudc2xjgcagrdn0jxnf47yd96p7zdpfzny30l2jh5u5vwurxasjwukdr
$ echo "e1$(echo $addr | ./bech32 | tail -c 57)" | ./bech32 stake
If you wanted to do the equivalent in python:
def resolve_addr2stake(address: str) -> str:
same as 'echo "e1$(echo {address} | ./bech32 | tail -c 57)" |./bech32 stake'
It may be quicker to cache the address, result in a lookup table
:param address: wallet address, such as
then last 56 bytes
then convert to bech32
:return: stake key, such as
absolute_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
relative_path = "cardano-wallet/bech32"
full_path = os.path.join(absolute_path, relative_path)
p1 = subprocess.Popen(["echo", address], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p2 = subprocess.run([full_path], stdin=p1.stdout, capture_output=True)
s = p2.stdout.strip().decode('utf-8')
p3 = subprocess.Popen(["echo", f"e1{s[-56:]}"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p4 = subprocess.run([full_path, 'stake'], stdin=p3.stdout, capture_output=True)
return p4.stdout.strip().decode('utf-8')
Update: There is a better way with direct python code, no need for the command line sys calls.
See this post https://sunapi386.ca/wordpress/convert-cardano-bech32-address-to-stake-key/