While walking around in the residence, I noticed this pinned newspaper. It is dated from when velocity was just started. Here it is, scanned.
Category: Academica
The undergraduate blog of academia.
Xmonad not regaining focus for IntelliJ
When using GUIs designed with Java Swing, like IntelliJ Idea, the once the focus changes it is lost and cannot be regained. I.e. you can’t type again.
In xmonad.hs
you need to add these:
import XMonad.Hooks.SetWMName
import XMonad.Hooks.ICCCMFocus
setWMName "LG3D"
logHook = takeTopFocus <+> dynamicLogWithPP xmobarPP {
Refer to my xmonad on github.
Programming Languages
Low level programs contain a lot of ad hoc, buggy, and slow implementation of higher level languages. Paul Graham described an excellent idea in “Hackers and Painters”
If you solve a hard problem, the question is not whether you will use a powerful enough language, but whether you will (a) use a powerful enough language, (b) write a defacto interpreter for one, or (c) yourself become a human compiler for one.”
For example in the OO world you hear a good deal about “patterns.” I wonder if these patterns are not sometimes of case (c), the human compiler, at work.”
In short, as developers we like concise, unbloated languages that is sufficient for what we need.
In-list functions
I was reading Peter Norvig’s spell correct and discovered python had in-list comprehensions. It’s a nice feature which allows you to easily construct a list.
>>> [ x**2 for x in range(1,11) if x % 2 == 0 ]
[0, 4, 16, 36, 64]
It looks very readable. Now, ruby being my favourite language over python, I wanted to see if ruby had a similar feature. The best I can come up with is this:
2.0.0-p247 :017 > (1..10).to_a.map{|x| x**2 if x%2 == 0 }.compact
=> [4, 16, 36, 64, 100]
This isn’t as easy to comprehend. For instance, why is it necessary to have .compact
Why do we need to call .to_a
? Python wins in this case. I’m now a lesser fan of ruby and more of python.
Lastly, I checked this out in haskell – which many consider to be a dense language. It’s also a language I’m looking to do some coding in.
Prelude> [ x^2 | x [4,16,36,64,100]
Not bad. I’d argue that this is as easy as pythons – provided that you understand haskell syntax. Syntax wise, I suspect python is more wordy than haskell.
Ruby lambda vs. procs
In ruby, lambda and procs are pretty much the same, but not quite. Syntactically, they are similar.
lambda_larger_than_4 = lambda { |num| num if num > 4 }
proc_larger_than_4 = Proc.new { |num| num if num > 4 }
(-1..8).to_a.collect &lambda_larger_than_4
=> [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 5, 6, 7, 8]
(-1..8).to_a.collect &proc_larger_than_4
=> [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 5, 6, 7, 8]
However, there are two main differences.
- Lambda checks number of arguments passed to it and throws error. Proc ignores unexpected arguments and assigns nil to any missing.
- When lambda returns, control is passed to caller. When proc returns, control does not get passed back to caller.
Interesting Consequences of Undecidability
In the book Introduction to Automata Theory — Languages and Computation. The following paragraph is interesting:
What this means is that if we were given a source code of a program, we would be unable to decide what the program does. Only lexical or syntactical properties of the program may be decided. This is interesting because it’s really counter-intuitive! You’d think that given the source code and read through it we can systemically figure out what it does. Not true. This means is that another program, B, cannot figure out what program A does.
Interestingly enough, this implies that no anti-virus will ever be totally effective, or any other types code detection software, because it is undecidable what a program does. There will always exist programs which can’t be detected. I knew this when I was young, from the fact that AV programs always update their virus databases, so naturally that meant there was no systemic way to detect mischievous programs. I wondered if the updates would ever stop in the future. Now I know this will never happen because of this consequence of undecidability.