Author: sunapi386
3D Face Model Generation
A useful tool was recommended to me by a former coworker who works at this new startup called Bellus3d. They use the depth sensor in the iPhone (with face ID logins) along with the camera and generate this model. Their app looks good. Easy to use.
They had a web UI to view the model in 3D. You can move it around.
I could import this to Autodesk Meshmixer and 3D print it.
There are 46,000 vertices and 90,000 triangles. My 3d printer isn’t all that accurate, I get an effective resolution of 1.0mm to 1.5mm, so I am going to reduce complexity. It also helps reduce filament threads. See
Edit -> Make Solid. Collapse triangle mesh. I use cell size of 1.8mm and mesh density 1.4mm.
2D Photos to 3D model
Came across some photogrammetry software lately. I had an idea to try them out by taking a bunch of photos and generate a 3d model.
But it’s difficult. Tools I tried were COLMAP and visualSFM. Seems to be bad results. I think I had insufficient number of photos, and there weren’t enough correlated features.
I thought “well what if I used a video”, so I took a video of my mouse, and dump them into images.
But a lot of them were blurry, like this.
So I thought there should be a way to filter out the blurry images. Such as using
- Fast Fourier Transform
- Laplace (or LoG) filter
There were some suggestions on StackOverflow that hint OpenCV is a good tool. I found some blurry detector on github but there was some issues. For one, the threshold computed varied too greatly and so I had to manually figure out what were the 80th percentile and better (sharper, higher score) images. But some images contained no content, such as a blank table. It would be classified as sharp… so if going down this method, you might want to remove those blank images.
Install Nvidia GTX 2080 driver on Ubuntu 16.04
- sudo vim /etc/default/grub # to change “quiet splash” to “quiet nosplash”
- sudo update-grub
- reboot
- (Press ESC)
- Select ubuntu recovery mode, enable networking, then root terminal.
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers (if you haven’t already)
- sudo apt purge nvidia* (if you tried installing already)
- sudo apt install nvidia-418 (nvidia-430 doesn’t work with lightdm yet)
- You may need to sudo systemctl stop lightdm
- nvidia-smi (check your version is correct)
3D Statue of Liberty
I take aerial lidar point cloud and turn it into a 3D object.
With Meshmixer, there is a great option in “Edit” > “Make Solid” and it generated this for me. Well done! Exactly what I was looking for. Otherwise it prints as hollow.
Have to fill in holes here
After some sculpting…
The Meshmixer tools are way more intuitive to use than Blender or anything else for that matter!
I didn’t notice but the bottom is not completely flat. As I printed this out. There was a power interruption when I used the pressure washer it jumped the breaker. Here’s the result.
There are also too many polygons with the original. 83,172 Verticies and 166,308 Faces. Using MeshMixer I could reduce verticies to 21,141 and faces 42,282. This lower poly count object should print cleaner too. Notice the surface.
Obviously the wood print failed. But I am happy with the white result!